
Affects a person’s handwriting ability and fine motor skills.

Dysgraphia is a term that refers to trouble with writing. Many experts view dysgraphia as challenges with a set of skills known as transcription. These skills — handwriting, typing, and spelling — allow us to produce writing. When people struggle with transcription, it can get in the way of thinking about ideas and how to convey them.  For example, people with dysgraphia may write more slowly than others. That can affect how well they express themselves in writing. Plus, they tend to have trouble with spelling because it’s hard for them to form letters when they write. 

One of the main signs of dysgraphia is messy handwriting. Here are some of the key handwriting skills people with dysgraphia may struggle with:

  • Forming letters

  • Writing grammatically correct sentences 

  • Spacing letters correctly 

  • Writing in a straight line

  • Holding and controlling a writing tool 

  • Writing clearly enough to read back later

  • Writing complete words without skipping letters

Learn more about Dysgraphia.