Learning Disabilities (LD)

One in ten, or 4 million Canadians, live with a learning disability.

Learning disabilities are:

  • neurological disorders that impact the way a person processes information

  • CAN AFFECT one or more areas of learning, such as:

Academics: Challenges in spelling, reading, listening, concentrating, recalling, and writing can all affect learning.

Executive Functions: These functions enable us to plan, predict, organize, and concentrate. Learning disabilities can disrupt how individuals manage their lives and physical spaces. ADHD can also affect executive functions.

Social Life: Certain learning disabilities can hinder the ability to understand facial expressions, body language, and vocal tones, which can greatly affect social interactions.

Physical Interactions with the World: Balance, coordination, and movement rely on the information we gather from our surroundings. Learning disabilities that alter information processing can make an individual seem uncoordinated or "clumsy."


  • invisible

Common Signs of Learning Disabilities

Parents are often the first to notice when "something doesn't seem right”. If you are aware of the common signs of learning disabilities, you may be able to recognize potential problems early.

The following is a checklist of characteristics that may point to a learning disability. It is normal to see one or more of these signs in children as they grow up. However, if you see several of these characteristics over a long period of time, a learning disability may be present.



  • Speaks later than most children

  • Pronunciation problems

  • Slow vocabulary growth, often unable to find the right word

  • Difficulty rhyming words

  • Trouble learning numbers, alphabet, days of the week, colors, shapes

  • Extremely restless and easily distracted

  • Trouble interacting with peers

  • Difficulty following directions or routines

  • Fine motor skills slow to develop

Kindergarten - Grade 4

  • Slow to learn the connection between letters and sounds

  • Confuses basic words (run, eat, want)

  • Makes consistent reading and spelling errors including letter reversals (b/d), inversions (m/w), transpositions (felt/left), and substitutions (house/home)

  • Transposes number sequences and confuses arithmetic signs (+, -, x, /, =)

  • Slow to remember facts

  • Slow to learn new skills, relies heavily on memorization

  • Impulsive, difficulty planning

  • Unstable pencil grip

  • Trouble learning about time

  • Poor coordination, unaware of physical surroundings, prone to accidents

Grades 5 - 8

  • Reverses letter sequences (soiled/solid, left/felt)

  • Slow to learn prefixes, suffixes, root words, and other spelling strategies

  • Avoids reading aloud

  • Trouble with word problems

  • Difficulty with handwriting

  • Awkward, fist-like, or tight pencil grip

  • Avoids writing assignments

  • Slow or poor recall of facts

  • Difficulty making friends

  • Trouble understanding body language and facial expressions