

Do you ever feel like you're struggling to meet deadlines, keep track of tasks, or maintain focus at work? You're not alone. Many individuals with learning disabilities and/or ADHD face similar challenges in the workplace. But here's the good news: you have the potential to excel in your role just like anyone else. You may simply need a different approach, and that's where we come in!

Job-Fit was developed to assist job seekers who may have learning disabilities to become more effective at finding and keeping a job.

Job-Fit was developed to assist job seekers who may have learning disabilities to become more effective at finding and keeping a job.

What is Job-Fit?

Job-Fit is more than just a program; it's a personalized journey towards career success. Our program provides tailored guidance and ongoing support to empower individuals like you to reach your full potential and achieve success in your chosen field. Additionally, we're dedicated to fostering a more inclusive work environment right here in Manitoba.

How Does Job-Fit Work?

In a personalized session with one of our employment counselors, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your specific needs, career aspirations, and develop a comprehensive support plan tailored just for you. Our Job-Fit coaches are here to provide support in various areas, including job search, career exploration, accommodations, job retention, advocacy, and employer support.

What Will I Learn?

Through Job-Fit, you'll learn to recognize and leverage your unique abilities and talents, allowing them to propel you towards success in the workplace. You'll gain insights into how your learning disabilities influence your work and discover strategies for effective communication with employers. Additionally, you'll explore fields or roles where your skills can shine and learn how to promote understanding among colleagues and employers regarding learning disabilities.

Funding Provided by: The Government of Canada           The Manitoba Government