The 2021 Date With A Star event is cancelled!

Unfortunately, we have made the tough decision to postpone Date With A Star for 2021. We will be back in 2022 and cannot wait to get started working on the event. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported this event though the year. Thank you to all the restaurants, stars, guests, and supporters. We could not do this event without you. Also, an extra huge thank you to our DWAS committee who works so hard to make this event happen year after year! We look forward to seeing everyone when it’s safe to do so. If you can during this time, support local businesses and restaurants.


 This is not just a cookbook . . . .
it is a collection of recipes and stories to bring awareness to
learning disabilities and ADHD to help reduce the stigmas!

This is not just a cookbook, it is a collection of recipes and stories! Our goal with this project is to bring awareness to learning disabilities and ADHD and to help reduce the stigmas. At LDAM, we believe that individuals with learning disabilities can learn, just differently. By purchasing our cookbook you will be assisting LDAM to offer individualized programming to our community.

Featured recipes are included from local celebrities Ace Burpee & Chrissy Troy from 103.1 Virgin Radio, CTV Morning Live’s Rachel Legace, Comedians Big Daddy Tazz & Rick Green and Musician Sierra Noble.

Cost: $20.00


Learning Summit 2021

October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month and we are excited to celebrate this year with our Learning Summit! We will be hosting a variety of online events from October 12 - 16th. Stay tuned for details, coming soon!
